How to get neighbors for your farmville farm

Post "add me" bellow for example: "please add me, I'm a daily player, level 54"
Please first reply to other's posts saying you just sent them a friend request as so "friend request sent"

What do to after I added someone of facebook ?

ok, so you sent a friend request and it was approved.
now what ? how does he register as a farmville neighbor.
well, firstly it might take up to 24 hours for him to appear in the game as the database of the game needs to update.
once he is there, this is how to add your new facebook friend as a famrville 2 neighbor:

Farming is more fun with friends!
Level up faster and get a helping hand on your Farm by adding some Community Neighbors.

Why Should I Have Neighbors, Anyway?

Many tasks on your Farm will require help from your friends to complete, so having some reliable Farmers as Neighbors will be essential!
Plus, more Neighbors means more gifts in your inbox each day, which helps you advance your Farm even faster.
There are several different types of interactions you can have with other Farmers in FarmVille 2:

When you are in need of help to complete tasks, you can post requests to your Facebook news feed.
Your Neighbors can click on these requests to provide the assistance you need.

You can click on your friends Facebook posts to get rewards such as Coins, Experience Points (XP), Fertilizer, and Baby Bottles.
Send and receive requests for Free Gifts that you can use on your Farm.
Send and receive Crew Member requests.
Send and receive Builder requests.
Visit FarmVille Neighbor's farms to offer help in exchange for Coins and Resources (Water, Fertilizer, etc.).